Like every fast-growing company, Creative Memories reached the point when it was necessary to effectively upgrade in order to properly support the increasing community of customers and Advisors. The goal was set to improve the performance of their website and IT systems, which involved three growing databases: e-commerce, data warehouse, and manufacturing.
However, there were several obstacles to further growth, which prevented them from managing everything efficiently and implementing requested features quickly.
It was not until a personal recommendation introduced dbForge Studio for MySQL to their team that the solution was finally found. The main reasons why it was quickly chosen over all the competitors included a familiar UI, which was quick to get used to, a multitude of data import and export options, object duplication, and handy comparison tools for both data and schemas.
The IT team of Creative Memories is normally short-staffed, and does not include a dedicated database administrator. Despite this, dbForge Studio allows assigning tasks like creating/editing views, tables, indexes, and even import/export of data to any member of their staff; the tool guides the user through so thoroughly that even non-DBAs can handle them.
Complex tasks were also made easier and more efficient. The inherent familiarity of the product's user interface, as well as helpful wizards, made it easy to avoid extensive training and proceed to productive work right away. All in all, dbForge Studio gave our customer an estimated 25% efficiency boost, as well as reduced the average time spent on routine daily work by 50%.
Reporting and data integration are the two processes that mattered the most to the customer since they require the biggest amount of manual effort, and directly involve databases. dbForge Studio has been able to speed it all up, allowing the team to focus on feature development.
Finally, the clients of Creative Memories rely on their systems and data to run their own businesses. Timely delivery of features and updates meant higher sales and wider options for them. Moreover, efficient data collection allows providing statistics and monthly tax information on request.
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